
"VOG is an answered prayer for our family. A few years of public school, stressed out children and remarks like " We aren't allowed to talk about God," showed us it was not the place for my grand children, and that if we wanted our children to thrive academically, emotionally, physically and most importantly spiritually we had to make a move. When God closes a door, he opens a window, and that window is VOG. The girls have been in school for just over a month and in my opinion have learned more academically in every area then they did the entire last year of school, and more importantly they LOVE going to school! That may be hard to believe, but VOG goes above and beyond the average academic day, and includes the Lord in each step. Every aspect about the day is thoughtfully and intentionally planned. The classrooms are called studios, the students are called learners, and the teachers are their guides. VOG is a community where everyone is valued.
In regards to core subjects the instruction has surpassed our expectations, then add Spanish, Sign Language, Engineering, Art, Music, Chapel, P.E......... the list is too long and it is only the first 6 weeks!
Our girls were learning in Public School but now they are thriving. The self confidence and leadership skills that they are exhibiting cannot be overlooked. Our family is raising the children to know the Lord, his word, and the purpose he has set for their lives. VOG partners with us to do that daily, so from home to school and back home again they are surrounded by people with the same belief system and their happy hearts show it.
The communication with parents is unmatched in their weekly newsletters. They foster the growth of the child but they foster the growth of the whole family too. My heart smiles each time I pull in to pick them up and am greeted by their guide who shares a "glow" about their day. What a self esteem booster! I knew we had found home the minute we visited. My gratitude to the staff cannot be measured in words.
I wake up everyday, as do their parents, so happy and thankful knowing that the girls are surrounded by the most caring group of individuals whose mission is to equip them with the ability and desire to fulfill their callings, and they do it with unmeasurable love and compassion."
Wendy Heine
"My family and I recently moved to Bandera from Houston after we were devastated by Hurricane Harvey. We have a bright three year old on our hands who was dealing with our devastation as well. We not only wanted to find a school to give her the education she needs, but that would also help comfort her through this transition. Once we arrived searching for the perfect school for our 3 year old was our top priority. We were willing to drive a great distance to give her the education we feel she needs. Turns out we didn’t have to go that far, as Vineyard of God is right around the corner.
We interviewed other great, capable schools, but Vineyard of God was Home. Miss Rebecca greeted us with a smile at the door. Her presence and positive attitude immediately put my heart at ease. It was our discussion of the curriculum, daily activities, nature integration and worship that sealed the deal. Rebecca and Berenice are dedicated teachers that teach the kids so much more than the standard curriculum. They are learning public speaking, line memorization, geography, science, social studies and so much more. Our daughter Harper is the youngest child currently attending Vineyard of God. Miss Rebecca and Miss Berenice have seen to it that she is well cared for, has an individualized curriculum, and tools to express her creativity. Each morning she pushes me out the door, as she is eager to learn. Each evening she tells me about all that she experienced that day.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend this school for all the reasons listed above and so much more."
Suzette Hatton
"It has been a pleasure to be a part of VOG since September 2019. Our family moved to Bandera, TX, from a small town south of San Antonio this past August. My husband is a teacher/coach at Bandera High School, and I am currently a stay at home mother. We have three children (Jude-5, Vivianna-4, and Nayanna- 7 months). I have worked in the public education field in many capacities since 2002. First, as an early childhood teacher (prek, kinder, 1st), then as a reading coach (kinder-3rd), and finally as a School Psychologist (prek -12th). Above all, I am a wife and mother to my three children. Most of my experience has been in either rural communities, or in the heart of San Antonio in traditional public schools or public charters.
When my son, Jude, started his year at VOG, there were a lot of unknowns because of my lack of experience with private education. I never planned on having my son attend private school because of the worry of finances. Obviously, God had other plans for our family, and again He has shown us to trust him fully. We decided to enroll Jude at VOG after attempting public education two weeks prior to the first day of school at VOG. Jude was having some emotional struggles, which left my husband and I with a very uneasy feeling. We knew at that point that something had to change immediately. By the grace of God, a sweet mom from the Bandera County Area Homeschoolers recommended VOG. I homeschooled Jude since he was a toddler and planned on continuing if we could not find an alternative school that we felt comfortable with him attending. My first visit to VOG was a breath of fresh air and a feeling of peace. After that initial meeting, I called out to the Lord to show us how to make this happen and to trust this path. It is now February 2020, and we are still here.
There are many positives to public education; however, it is imperative to understand that it isn’t for every child or family. I am an advocate for school choice and have shared my experience with many on my search for the right school for my child. I toured and observed in multiple charter schools in San Antonio before knowing we would be moving to Bandera. It’s important for families to evaluate and self-reflect on what is crucial for their child’s educational experience. There is not a “one size fits all” school for every child. Honestly, I did not consider the aspects of the importance of a Christian based education prior to visiting VOG. The spiritual and emotional impact on Jude, and also our whole family has been immeasurable.
One of the many positives about VOG is the student to teacher ratios. The students are able to get a generous amount of individualized attention throughout the school day, which is so important to overall growth. The school also provides an abundant amount of outdoor, unstructured play, which is something that is rarely found in other schools. There is evidence that this type of play has a positive impact on overall social and cognitive development. Furthermore, VOG thrives on building and fostering positive relationships. I enjoy the daily structured routines that occur during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. The teachers are always ready to welcome the students and have an overall expectation to start the day off on a positive note. The students know exactly what to do as soon as they enter their classrooms. This structure and organization is a great model as the students develop their own personal routines.
Most importantly, it is the spiritual and emotional influence the school has had on Jude and our family. Having the ability to speak openly about our Lord is something I never knew we needed or wanted in his education. The daily encouragement, love, and guidance from one another at the school is what we truly need in our society. Where does it all stem from? Our Lord and the Word of God. The Word guides this school daily, and it genuinely shows. There is a constant presence of love from the staff, which in turn influences their daily walk with each other. They openly model the fruits of the spirit every day. This helps shape the students’ behaviors with others as well as their personal self-regulation.
We love VOG and can not wait to see the growth and continued development of this school."
Kristy Molina, M.Ed., LSSP
"I am a mother to 4 children ages 9, 7, 4, and 2. I was homeschooled as a child and fully intended on homeschooling, my children. However, my 4-year-old is a very active child, and his constant need for interaction was making it difficult for me to give appropriate attention to my older children. I decided to look into VOG as a two-day part-time outlet for him.
I honestly did not expect to actually follow through with enrolling him because my heart is to have my children close to me and home. But when I met Berenice and Rebecca, that changed everything.
I was impressed by how professional and yet warm and friendly they were. The school was decorated thoughtfully and creatively. It was a very homey and inviting place to walk in to. During our conversation, I came to realize that VOG was more than just a school to them. It was a passion, a ministry, and a calling. I left feeling sure that my son would be well cared for, and I was excited to enroll him.
The genuine love that Berenice and Rebecca have for Jesus and for every family that is a part of VOG is what makes them stand out from other schools. I have witnessed first hand how they interact with students, and it is inspiring. They are very patient, affirming, and encouraging, all while maintaining their standards and helping the kids to grow. They are teaching the students how to become mature, responsible, kind, fearless, faith-filled, generous, etc. I have seen so much fruit in my son’s life as a result of being at VOG. His behavior, his attitude, his interaction with peers, and his emotional maturity have all improved greatly. His scholastic achievements have surpassed my expectations. We went from sending Caleb two days a week to now four days a week because VOG is just that good!
I am so very thankful to have become involved with VOG, and I greatly appreciate all that Berenice and Rebecca have done. They have worked so diligently to build this school, and their passion, devotion, and excellence is to be commended."
Christina Manion
"I first heard of The Vineyard Of God School about 2 years ago from a family friend who's child was enrolled there. After learning more about the program, and attending some Open House's, we eagerly enrolled our daughter in the school to attend Kindergarten. Since becoming part of the Vineyard Family, and getting to know Miss Berenice and Miss Rebecca, we have been throughly pleased with the experience, as has our daughter.
VOG's curriculum and style of teaching brings a fresh perspective to these critical developmental years. The program combines many positive aspects of traditional and non-traditional styles of teaching and learning to which the students respond energetically to. Our daughter has responded enthusiastically and would attend 7 days a week if she could. Another encouraging aspect of VOG is it's strong commitment to community and family involvement. Through daily evaluations, weekly social media posts, monthly "Chapel" days, and direct access communication channels to the teachers, we as parents feel welcomed and part of the VOG family.
VOG wouldn't be VOG without Miss. Berenice and Miss. Rebecca. They each bring a fresh and positive energy to the school house which is reflected through the children's enthusiasm. As leaders, their expectations of the students is high yet reasonable and these expectations have gained the respect of myself and the children. I appreciate the personal level of attention that my daughter receives and also appreciate that she is taught "to her level", which further shows Miss Berenice's and Miss Rebecca's individual devotion to each student.
In summary, living in a small rural community can often leave family's with little to no choice of where to send their kids for educations, therefore, we feel blessed to have The Vineyard Of God as one of these choices. Miss Berenice's and Miss Rebecca's dedication to making this program a success is evident and I highly recommend you consider The Vineyard Of God."
Adam Jenschke
"I have known Berenice and Rebecca for several years and have had the privilege of praying for and watching their vision for VOG develop and grow. It has been a blessing to see how their love for God and devotion to shaping young hearts and minds has grown into a beautiful school where children feel loved and valued. It is a home away from home for the students.
Excellent academic standards mixed with creative play and a good dose of hands-on exploration set up a very enriching learning environment. Children learn about God's love and develop a sense of value and trust as they mature. It is amazing how Berenice and Rebecca develop this in their students.
The Escobar's devotion to providing a loving atmosphere where children love to learn is wonderful and inspiring. The shaping and growth of the student's character and individual gifts are evident in each child as the school year progresses.
My children are young adults now, but I would have loved to have had such a school for my children when they were young children.
Bandera county is very blessed to have such a school as VOG."
Ellen Morton
"There are not enough thanks, praise, and appreciation that can be expressed to and about Vineyard of God Christian School, the Escobar family, their staff, and volunteers.
Our first experience with VOG was at VBS in August 2016. Little did we know that this would be just the little mustard seed planted into our 4-year-old daughter’s heart as well as my wife and I. With my wife returning back to work and Bethany’s current home daycare shutting down we struggled to find the right place for our daughter to go to kindergarten and eventually first grade. With my extensive traveling for work and my wife commute to SA, we were exploring extreme options to get her in a school that would allow her to excel academically and spiritually. About the same time, my wife and I remembered VOG and were blessed that they still had room for one more student. Thank God, our search was over, but challenges still lay ahead.
To say the least, Bethany had some catching up to do, and she did. Ms. Berenice and Ms. Rebecca’s patience and wits were put to the test by our daughter and possibly the other students as well. However, their faith and vision was not. They saw in our daughter what other schools, both public and private, may not have seen as well as helping her to grow spiritually, academically, and socially.
Here we are in the 3rd quarter of first grade, all the time and energy invested by Ms. Rebecca, Ms. Berenice and now Ms. Katie, Bethany, is a bright shining star, excelling, loving school, and God. If it were not for the unfaltering love, care, passion and faith of the VOG family we don’t know where we would be today.
If you want the best Christian based education for your child or for someone you know, you don’t have to look any further but at VOG. Unlike other schools, the children and everyone involved are family. As of 2020, we may only be Pre-K to first grade, but next year we should have second grade and who knows what God has planned for how big and fast the school will grow. But all the kids are growing in ways that they will be the leaders of tomorrow and have a very bright future. Thanks to VOG."
Sincerely with lots of love and appreciation:
The Cantu Family
"My child attended the Vineyard of God School early childhood program through Kindergarten Graduation from 2014-2017. The dedication towards a children's oriented Christian Ministry, education program, and "letting kids have fun' attitude is unrivaled in my opinion. The friendly and family-oriented atmosphere will make you immediately feel at ease leaving your precious child in the hands of two Godly Women that will care for them as their own.
I can without a doubt, immediately recommend anyone in the Bandera County or surrounding area to consider this incredible program for their family."